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Prayer: O Jesus!

Here�s a prayer of devotion and longing inspired by Psalm 63.  It was written by Bill & Kristi Gaultiere, and posted on Soul Shepherding.



(inspired by Psalm 63:1,3)


O Jesus!

My soul thirsts for you! � for your Spirit�s living waters;
My whole being from the inside out yearns for your presence;
My personality clings to you to hold me together, upright;
My inner depths look up to you, longing for your smile;
My soul cries out to you, to flow in your life now and forever.

O Jesus!

Your love is better than life! � better than any other thing;
Your presence with me is the only thing that satisfies me;
Your personality � wonderfully complete � is what embraces me;
Your deep mercy and grace is all that I live for;
Your life in me and through me to others is my greatest joy.

O Jesus!

My soul thirsts for you! � for your Spirit�s living waters;
Your love is better than life! � better than any other thing;
My whole being from the inside out yearns for your presence;
Your presence with me is the only thing that satisfies me;
My personality clings to you to hold me together, upright;
Your personality � wonderfully complete � is what embraces me;
My inner depths look up to you, longing for your smile;
Your deep mercy and grace is all that I live for;
My soul cries out to you, to flow in your life now and forever.
Your life in me and through me to others is my greatest joy.

~ written by Bill & Kristi Gaultiere, inspired by Psalm 63:1,3. Posted on Soul Shepherding. http://www.soulshepherding.org/

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