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Litany and Prayer: Isaiah 55: 1-11

Here�s a litany and prayer inspired by Isaiah 55: 1-11.  It was written by lutherjulia, and posted on RevGalBlogPals.

(inspired by Isaiah 55: 1-11)

Home is a place of rest.
My home is in the Lord.

Home is a sense of peace.
My home is in the Lord.

Home is a generous welcome.
My home is in the Lord.

Home is refuge from fear.
My home is in the Lord.

Home is an open table.
My home is in the Lord.

Home is an end to eternal longing.
My home is in the Lord.

God of all places and people,
you are not bound by walls,
contained by addresses,
or limited by borders and barriers.

Open our eyes to see ourselves at home in you,
wherever we are and whatever our experiences.
Teach us to recognize our neighbors
as our fellow travelers and co-habitants,
alive together in You through Jesus Christ. Amen.

~ written by lutherjulia, and posted on RevGalBlogPals. http://revgalblogpals.org/

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