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Call to Worship: Psalm 99

Here�s a responsive call to worship inspired by Psalm 99.  It was written by Joan Stott.


Call to Worship

(based on Psalm 99)

Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord our God and King!
Glorious and powerful is the God of all creation!
In reverent awe, we gather to worship our God.

The Lord our God is King and the Just Judge
of all things for all eternity, all people and all places.
In reverent awe, we gather to praise our God.

The Lord our God is King and the Forgiving God!
�Fairness� and �Justice� are the names of our God.
In reverent awe, we gather to worship God, within
the light of God�s holiness, justice, mercy and love. Amen.

~ written by Joan Stott, on the Geelong City Parish UCA website.  http://www.wesleychurchgeelong.net/w_resources/pentecost18%5b29%5da_2011.htm  If used in shared worship, please provide an acknowledgement as follows: � 2011 Joan Stott � "The Timeless Psalms" RCL Psalm Year A, used with permission.

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