Confession: We do not see
Here�s a prayer of confession inspired by Isaiah 43:19. It was written by Rev. Teri Peterson, from the Presbyterian Church of Palatine, Illinois, and posted on LiturgyLink.
Prayer of Confession
(inspired by Isaiah 43:19)
Do you not perceive it?
No, God, we confess that often we are blind
to the new thing you are doing.
So often we are not looking,
and sometimes we choose not to see.
We are comfortable with the way things are�
we weary of the call to your newness.
Sometimes we see,
but our hearts are hardened and we look away,
making excuses.
But you call us to respond,
to live in your kingdom now.
Forgive our status-quo caution,
our focus on self-preservation rather than on your kingdom.
Forgive our narrow vision
and insistence that you fit into our plans.
Open us to the movement of your Spirit,
and give us hearts ready to be generous in response.
Sung: Kyrie Eleison
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