Here�s a prayer of praise and invocation inspired by Revelation 7: 9-17. It comes from the United Church of Christ, and was posted on Stephen M. Fearing�s Wild and Precious Life blog.
Opening Prayer
(inspired by Revelation 7: 9-17)
We seek and find you in Creation, O God,
in the world you have made and the people you have called.
Your vulnerable, powerful Lamb is our shepherd and guide,
leading us to share the shelter of your abundant life.
in the world you have made and the people you have called.
Your vulnerable, powerful Lamb is our shepherd and guide,
leading us to share the shelter of your abundant life.
Let us recognize you here
in the beauty of this morning and in its challenge;
may the Risen One, your Shepherd-Lamb,
lead us to act for your justice and peace:
so that all may drink from your springs of the waters of life,
and find their tears of sorrow and pain wiped away.
In the name of the Risen One we pray: Amen.
lead us to act for your justice and peace:
so that all may drink from your springs of the waters of life,
and find their tears of sorrow and pain wiped away.
In the name of the Risen One we pray: Amen.
~ from the United Church of Christ. Posted on Wild and Precious Life.
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